麻吉H和麻吉C同時要在明年初結婚, 兩人常互相交換資料討論, 而一旁的朋友同事們也會跟著起鬨給意見. 但是因為大家都是同一個部門, 我發現討論的內容實在是充滿職業病的用詞與習慣.
比如說, 今天H抱怨她的婚禮大約要花上45000美金, 結果大家的反應是:
K: What currency exchange rate did you use? Our Business Planning rate or bank's published daily rate? Did you hedge?
G: Did you benchmark with similar events in that area? How about in other countries?
C: Who are your alternate suppliers? How many quotes do you have?
A: Did you re-negotiate and waive the xxx fees? How about packaged deals? Any discount for cash payment?
L: Let me see your spreadsheet. I will check your formules. What are your assumptions?
T: Let's see the break-downs. Schedule a meeting with me via outlook and I will go through it with you.
而我的回答也是一樣的無情...:"What's your target budget and what's your negotiation strategy?"
而兩位準新娘也很習慣地拿出她們的laptop, 馬上打開好幾頁的excel和microsoft project給大家看進度.
幾年前在supply chain planning同事S結婚時, 部門裡的同事也是鼎力相助, 婚禮順利到好像在行軍, 所有的行程是以matrix在計劃, 我們不但人手一張而且手機還有soft copy, 加上全部門都是用同樣的手機, 當天很多賓客還以為我們是什麼專業的wedding planning公司, 一直有人在要名片.
最近要一起出去旅行的朋友們也是我在這幾個部門認識的, 才剛討論完渡假計劃, 馬上就有七頁excel表格出現在我的信箱裡, 不但有行程計劃(包括哪天到哪天應該跟老闆提起請假, 哪天要file vacation leave, 哪天要訂機票, 一直到幾點幾分在哪裡見面和每天的渡假行程), 還有各渡假點的比價表和天氣紀錄.
有這種朋友真好. ^-^